1S: no 4M, 4+hcp (one minor wk, bal 4-9/13+) / 4M5+♦, GF (14+ or very good 13)
1NT: bal,10-12(13)hcp, can have 4M
2C: 5+♣, GF, can have 4M, can be w/5+♣4+♦
2D: PRE, 6+♥, 0-7hcp / GF,6+♥,good suit
2H: PRE, 6+♠, 0-7hcp / GF,6+♠,max one loser
2S: both m’s,CONST to INV
2NT: both m’s, WK
3C: 6+♣’s, INV (8-11hcp)
3D: 6+cards, inv, good suit
3H/S: 7+cards, good suit, nothing outside
3NT: bal, NT hand, 13-15hcp