Table of Contents

Agica - Agica system notes

♣ ♦ ♥ ♠

Ideas we should consider

  1. We need a good structure over 1M - 2NT
  2. 1♦ - 2♣ – perfect for weak NT
  3. Gazzilli write-up


We play an light initial action 2/1 GF system, with 1NT forcing and weak notrumps in most positions. We open most UNBAL 10HCP hands, and most 11HCP BAL.

Opening bids

Bid Meaning
1m 10-20HCP, 4+cards, or 14-19HCP BAL, better minor
1M 10-20HCP, 5+cards
1NT 10-13HCP BAL or SEMIBAL, 1st and 2nd NV
1NT 14-16HCP BAL or SEMIBAL, 1st/2nd RED, 3rd/4th any
2♣ Majors weak 5+/4+ OR SemiGF 1 minor, or 22-23 BAL
2♦ Game forcing
2M Pressure weak 2 – depending on VUL and POS
2NT 20-21 BAL

Competitive situations

1M opening bid

1M - 2NT structure

Bid Meaning Subsequent
3♣ MIN, or accept with 0-2CTRL 3♦ RE-INV, 3M, 4M to play, else=CUE
3♦ GF, shortage 3♥ shortage ask, else = CUE
4M GOOD 6+ CARDS, little else

1m opening bid

1m - 1M - 1NT

Shows 15-17 HCP, bal

Bid Meaning Subsequent
2♣ Checkback Stayman 2M 3 cards
2♦ Stayman, GF 2M 3 cards
2M 5+ cards, NF
2NT Transfer to ♣

1m - 1M - 2NT

Shows 18-19 HCP, bal

1NT opening bid (11-14)

Used in 1st, 2nd and 3rd not vul positions

Bid Meaning Subsequent
2♣ Stayman 2M 4 card
2♦ GF, Stayman
2M To play
2NT Bal, INV

1NT opening bid (15-17)

Used in 3rd vul and 4th positions

Bid Meaning Subsequent
2♣ Stayman 2M 4/5 cards
2♦ Transfer to ♥
2♥ Transfer to ♠
2♠ Transfer to ♣
2NT Transfer to ♦

2NT opening bid (20-21)

Bid Meaning Subsequent
3♣ Stayman 3♦ 4♥/♠, 3M 5 cards, 3NT no 4-card major
3♦ Transfer to ♥
3♥ Transfer to ♠

Competitive Bidding

We open


== 1M - (DBL) ==
Transfers from 1NT to one suit below partener’s. 2M (partener’s suit) - competitive, 3 card support Suit below partener’s - 3 card support
1♥ - (1♠)
Bid Meaning Subsequent
1NT Tranfser to ♣
2♣ Transfer to ♦
2♦ 3 hearts 7-10 HCP
2♥ 3 hearts 0-7 HCP
2♠ 3 hearts 11+ HCP
2NT 4 hearts, inv+
3♣ Fit-jump
3♦ Fit-jump
3♥ Preempt
3♠ Splinter
4♣ Fit-jump
4♦ Fit-jump
4♥ Preempt
5m To play
 == 1M - (1NT) ==
Bid Meaning Subsequent
DBL Penalty
2♣ 5 cards in the unbid major, 3 cards or doubleton honour in parterer’s suit
2♦ Sound raise to two-major
2M (partener’s suit) 3 hearts 0-7 HCP
2M (new major) natural, NF, no fit
== 1M - (simple two-level overcall) ==

2M (partener’s suit) - 3-card support
2M (new major) - Natural, forcing
2NT - 4-card support, inv+
Cue-bid - 3-card support, inv+
3M (partener’s suit) - Preempt
3M (new major) - Fit-jump
Jump cue-bid - Splinter
4M (partener’s suit) - Preempt
4M (new major) - To play
4 other suit - Fit jump

== 1M - (2♣) ==
Bid Meaning Subsequent
2♦ Natural, forcing
3♦ Fit-jump
== 1M - (2♦) ==
Bid Meaning Subsequent
3♣ FNJ
4♣ Fit-jump
== 1♠ - (2♥) ==
Bid Meaning Subsequent
3m FNJ
4m Fit-jump
1M - (2M Michaels)
Bid Meaning Subsequent
3m FNJ
4m Fit-jump
1M - (2NT Unusual)
Bid Meaning Subsequent
3♣ GF, no fit, good 5-card suit in the unbid major
3♦ 3-card support, inv+
3M (partener’s suit) competitive, 0-8HCP
3M (new major) natural, constructive, NF
4m splinter-jump

Higher opening bids - preempts

All preempts are standard in 2nd position after initial pass.
The lightest preempts are made in ‘green’ position after two initial passes.


min 5 cards

Bid Meaning Subsequent
2NT asking 3♣ 5 cards, bad hand; 3♦ 5 cards good hand; 3♥ 6 cards bad hand; 3♠ 6 cards good hand
3M preempt
Other Forcing


20-21 bal


min 5 cards


min 6 cards

