1♣ is strong (usually 14+ in the first 2 seats, 17+ in 3rd and 4th)
1nt is weak in the first two seats 10-13; 3rd and 4th seats 14-16
all the bids from 1♦ to 4♦ (except for 1♥, 1nt, 2♥ and 3♥) are 2-under, showing the n+2 suit, unbalanced hands and denying unbid 4+ card major(s); intermediate range (8-13 usually in the first 2 seats) - in 3rd and 4th seats the HCP range can vary from 0 to 16
the n+1 response is always a relay asking for description
2nt, if available = 4 card fit, inv+
new suit = non-forcing (strong hands bid n+1 first)
a double by responder is not negative, but proposing a penalty
a reopening double shows a singleton in the opponents’ suit (so a penalty pass is also allowed, in addition to the penalty proposing double)
handy conventions that fit nicely: rubens, various forms of lebensohl, fit jumps; we don’t play SWITCH in this system
signals: UDCA; discarding: UDCA; priorities always: Count/Attitude/Suit Preference; we give Count often
leads: always 2/4; top of sequence; J from KJT